New publication : The Children Catechism Series (English Version)

Posted on Apr 13, 2011 by admin

The use of the Catechism for the instruction of the young in the church is an ancient and time-tested biblical method. GDS is pleased to publish this catechism series adopted for use by Pilgrim Covenant Church (PCC). The catechism regime includes:
– Toddler’s Catechism,
– Bible History Catechism for Beginners Book 123,
– Introduction to Westminster Shorter Catechism,
– Bible History Catechism for Juniors Book 12,
– Character Building Supplement,
– Bible History Catechism for Seniors Book 12

This series is useful home instruction or Sunday School materials. They may also be used to instruct new believers. Parents and teachers should adjust the curriculum accordingly to suit their needs.

Interested parties may contact us for further information or purchase, or alternatively, they are available at Fide Vitae Resources.