《西敏信条教牧简释 11.4》

Posted on Jan 31, 2021 by admin

11.4 上帝从创立世界以前便预定了使所有的选民称义1。在时候满足的时候,基督就为他们的罪死了,又为他们的称义复活了2;虽然如此,但是,他们一直要到所定的时候,圣灵确实将基督的救赎施行在他们身上,才得以称义3

1 加3:8;彼前1:2、19、20;罗8:30;2 加4:4;提前2:6;罗4:25;3 西1:21-22;加2:16;多3:4-7。

11.4  God did, from all eternity, decree to justify all the elect,1 and Christ did, in the fullness of time, die for their sins, and rise again for their justification:2 nevertheless, they are not justified, until the Holy Spirit doth, in due time, actually apply Christ unto them.3

1 Gal 3:8; 1 Pet 1:2, 19–20; Rom 8:30; 2 Gal 4:4; 1 Tim 2:6; Rom 4:25;  3 Col. 1:21–22; Gal 2:16; Tit. 3:4–7.


We have seen hitherto in this chapter how God’s elect are justified by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. In particular, we have looked at the gratuitousness, nature, scope, basis, method, benefits and goal of justification. What remains are three questions which must be answered if we are to appreciate fully the implications of this doctrine. The first question has to do with the timing of justification. The second has to do with why we must still pray “forgive us our debt” when our debt has been paid for in justification. The third has to do with how we must regard Old Testament saints, seeing that the atonement of Christ was not yet fulfilled during their lifetime.


The question of timing is the subject of the present paragraph of our Confession. It is an important question because it has implication on what we are to believe concerning God’s attitude towards us before our conversion and whether our perseverance is the condition or the fruit of our justification.

简单来述,我们承认称义在某个意义上已发生在永恒中了—— 在于上帝不变与主权的预定要救赎选民;在另一个意义上已发生在历史中,就是当基督为他们而活、为他们而死;还有一个意义,在他们个人生命中,就是当圣灵将基督所买赎的救恩应用到每个信徒的身上时而实现。注意这三个意义对应三一上帝三个位格制度上的救赎之工。

Simply stated, we are given to confess that there is a sense in which justification happened in eternity—with the immutable and sovereign decree of God to redeem the elect; and there is a sense in which it happened in historical time when Christ lived and died for them; and there is also a sense in which it happens their lives individually when the Holy Spirit applies the redemption purchased by Christ to each believer. Note how the three senses correspond to the economic work of redemption of the three Persons of the Triune God.


We may say that the elect were virtually justified from eternity; historically justified at the Cross; but are not actually and formally justified until they are vitally united to Christ by faith wrought by the Holy Spirit. As the three persons of the Godhead are equal in power and glory, it is important for us to bear these three realities concerning our justification in mind. Because justification was already planned—sovereignly, irrevocably and immutably, and is therefore certain from all eternity,— we can speak of being beloved of God before the foundation of the world (cf. Eph 1:4). God who is immutable did not hate us before our conversion and then suddenly begin to love us after our conversion. However, God would not declare us righteous until the Holy Spirit has applied the benefit of justification to us. Therefore, all who are not yet converted are children of God’s wrath (cf. Eph 2:3).


An overemphasis on the decretive work of the Father leads to a one-sided doctrine of eternal justification that denies that the elect are under the wrath of God prior to their conversion. An overemphasis on the redemptive work of Christ in time and a failure to see that justification was in a sense actual from all eternity, will draw a sharp discontinuity between the Old and New Testaments and give rise to a doctrine of salvation by works for Old Testament saints. On the other hand, an overemphasis on justification by faith without an affirmation that the elect are beloved of God from eternity, and that Christ has satisfied divine justice on their behalf at the cross, will give rise to an Arminian emphasis on faith, good works and perseverance as conditions for justification!

原文作者: 林集章 、蔡林斯 、欧阳效正
中文譯者: 何恩杰,刘行
來源: Westminster Confession of Faith — With Brief Pastoral Comments  

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