9.2 人处于无罪状态时,有自由和能力立志行事,得蒙上帝的悦纳1; 但人本是可变的,所以他也可以从那状态中堕落2。
9.2 Man, in his state of innocency, had freedom, and power to will and to do that which was good and well pleasing to God;1 but yet, mutably, so that he might fall from it.2
1 Eccl 7:29; Gen 1:26; 2 Gen 2:16–17; 3:6.
从这一节开始,我们先考虑人的四种状态–无罪,本性败坏, 恩典,得荣耀–其中的第一状态: 无罪。
In this paragraph, we begin by looking at the first of what is often known as the fourfold-state of man as it relates to the nature of his will, which are his states of innocency, sin, grace, and glory.
在无罪的状态中,人类”有自由和能力立志行事,得蒙上帝的悦纳” 。重要的是,”无罪”并不表明一个人只是犯罪而没有被发现过, 虽然这是”无罪”一词的通常理解。上帝所造的人,不是一个白板, 也不是中立的存在,而是正直的(传7:29)。 亚当和夏娃不是一半好,一半坏,需要他们决定自己的选择。 这不是自由意志的意思,虽然有许多教导–包括基督教传统的– 都不幸地如此认为。人是按照上帝的形象和样式造的(创1:26) ,所以他的意志是完全倾向于好的。
In the state of innocency, man “had freedom, and power to will and to do that which was good and well pleasing to God.” It is important to note that “innocency” does not refer to someone who has simply not been found guilty of wrongdoing, as the common understanding of the word “innocent” today may suggest. God made man, not as a blank slate or a neutral being, but as a righteous one (Eccl. 7:29). Adam and Eve were not fifty-fifty between good and evil and had to make their own choice which they would like to be. That is not what free will means, contrary to much teaching, sadly, even within the Christian tradition. Man was made in the image and likeness of God (Gen. 1:26), which means that his will had every tendency towards that which is good.
But unlike God, however, Adam and Eve were mutable, or changeable—able to either remain in or fall from this first state. They were posse peccare, able to sin, able to be deceived, as Eve was in the temptation. They were able to distrust God’s instruction and disregard his threat of death for disobedience, which they did (Gen. 2:16,17; 3:6). How one who was perfect in his knowledge and conscience could, in the absence of any distress whatsoever, so willingly do something so completely opposed to reason and righteousness is beyond explanation but also beyond excuse.
To make this confession of the innocency of our first state from which we have fallen means that we must take all the responsibility for all the sins that we have committed as the children of Adam and Eve, and all of the subsequent fallout from those sins. We can’t say to God, “we didn’t have a chance since we’re so sinful.” We had the most perfect opportunity and we blew it, and now we’re suffering the consequences of it. We deserve all the suffering we have had to endure to this day and an eternity more of it. None of it was pushed upon us. God made us upright, but we have sought out many devices, to do, knowingly and willingly, that which ought not to be done (Eccl. 7:29).
This should sober us to the reality of how subtle a deceiver Satan is, and even more so humble us as to how frail our nature is and how easily even the best of us can slide into sin and rebellion against God. This should lead us, not to trust in our “free will” to do what is right, but to flee from ourselves and to Christ, the Second Adam from heaven, who showed from his birth to his death and proved by his resurrection and ascension into heaven how he is the only immutably righteous one, who willingly obeyed the Father even unto death.
在此,我们被提醒要祈求上帝为基督而更新并立定我们的脚步( 诗37:23),而我们也期待那一天, 我们不仅将被恢复到原本正直的状态, 也会被领至基督新的创造中祂的充足,获得不变的新本性, 也永远不再会堕落。希望主尽快催促那一天的到来。
Here we are reminded to pray that God would, for Christ’s sake, renew and direct our wills every step of the way (Psalm 37:23), as we also long for the day when we will not only be restored to our original righteousness, but be brought to the fullness of Christ in his new creation, with a new and immutable perfection from which we can never fall from. And may the Lord hasten that day.
原文作者: 林集章 、蔡林斯 、欧阳效正
中文譯者: 何恩杰,刘行
來源: Westminster Confession of Faith — With Brief Pastoral Comments
2020 © Pilgrim Covenant Church