Archive for June, 2018
《西敏信条教牧简释 5.4》
5.4 上帝在其护理之中,彰显极大的权能、无法测度的智慧和无限的良善,甚至及于第一次堕落,以及天使和人 的其它所有罪恶1。这不只是有上帝的许可2 ,也是有上帝极其智慧和极有权能的约束3。祂支配并掌管它们,以多种方式成就祂自己圣洁的目的4 。尽管如此,罪纯粹是从受造物自身,而不是从上帝发出的。上帝是至圣至义的,绝不是、也不能是罪恶的创始者或赞同者5。

WCF 5.4 — Pastoral Comments
5.4 The almighty power, unsearchable wisdom, and infinite goodness of God so far manifest themselves in His providence, that it extendeth itself even to the first fall, and all other sins of angels and […]

《西敏信条教牧简释 5.3》
5.3 上帝在祂通常的护理中使用各种工具1,但祂也可自由而行,照祂所喜悦的,不用工具2,超乎工具3,反乎工具4 。

WCF 5.3 — Pastoral Comments
5.3 God, in His ordinary providence, maketh use of means,1 yet is free to work without,2 above,3 and against them,4 at His pleasure.

《西敏信条教牧简释 5.2》
5.2 虽然,就上帝(祂是始因)的预知和预旨而言,万事万物都毫不变更、绝无错谬的发生1 ,但是祂用同一护理,统管它们,根据诸次因的特征,使它们或是必然地,或是自由地,或是偶发地发 生2。

WCF 5.2 — Pastoral Comments
5.2 Although, in relation to the foreknowledge and decree of God, the first Cause, all things come to pass immutably, and infallibly;1 yet, by the same providence, He ordereth them to fall out, according to […]

《西敏信条教牧简释 5.1》
5.1 上帝是万物的伟大创造者,祂维系1、引导、管理、统治一切活物、运动和事物2,从最大的到最小的3。这是藉着祂至智至圣的护理4,照着祂无谬的预知5,并按着祂自己旨意所定的自由、不变的计划6,好使祂自己的智慧、权能、公义、良善和怜悯的荣耀得着称赞7。

WCF 5.1 — Pastoral Comments
5.1 God the great Creator of all things doth uphold,1 direct, dispose, and govern all creatures, actions, and things,2 from the greatest even to the least,3 by His most wise and holy providence,4 according to His infallible foreknowledge,5 and the […]

《西敏信条教牧简释 4.2》
4.2 上帝在造了其它一切受造物之后,就造人,有男有女1,有理性和不灭的灵魂2,按祂自己的形像赋予知识、公义和真圣洁3,并把上帝的律法写在他们心里4,使他们有能力遵行上帝的律法5;但是,上帝让他们有自由按自己的意志行事,而这意志又是可变的,因此便有干犯律法的可能性6。除这写在他们心里的律法以外,他们还领受了不可吃分别善恶树上的果子的禁令;他们遵守这命令时,就与上帝相交,以此为乐7,又对万物拥有治理的权柄8。

WCF 4.2 — Pastoral Comments
4.2 After God had made all other creatures, He created man, male and female,1 with reasonable and immortal souls,2 endued with knowledge, righteousness, and true holiness, after His own image;3 having the law of God written in their […]

4.1 圣父、圣子、圣灵三一上帝为彰显祂永能、智慧和良善的荣耀,就按祂自己的美意,在起初,于六日之内,从无中创造了世界及其中有形无形的万物,并且一切都甚好。