Archive for July, 2018

《西敏信条教牧简释 5.6》

5.6 上帝是公义的审判者,祂对那些不虔不义的人,因他们过去所犯的罪而使他们眼瞎心硬1 ,不仅不施恩给他们,使他们的悟性由此得蒙光照,从而使他们的心软化2 ,而且有时祂也收回他们已得的恩赐3,并任凭他们遭遇各样他们的败坏用于犯罪的事4;同时,把他们交付于他们自己的私欲、世界的引诱和撒但的权势5 ;因此,甚至那些上帝用以使别人心里软化的工具,在他们身上反倒使他们刚硬自己6。

WCF 5.6 — Pastoral Comments

5.6  As for those wicked and ungodly men whom God, as a righteous Judge, for former sins, doth blind and harden, from them He not only withholdeth His grace whereby they might have been enlightened […]

《西敏信条教牧简释 5.5》

5.5 至智、至公、至慈的上帝,常常让祂的儿女一时经历各种试探,和他们自己内心的败坏,其目的或是要因他们过去的罪恶而责罚他们,或是要向他们显露他们内心的诡诈和败坏所隐藏的力量,好使他们谦卑下来1;另外,也是为了要使他们更加与祂亲近,常常依靠祂来扶持,并且更加警醒地防备将来一切犯罪的机会;同时还有其他各种公义和圣洁的目的2。

WCF 5.5 — Pastoral Comments

5.5  The most wise, righteous, and gracious God doth oftentimes leave, for a season, His own children to manifold temptations, and the corruption of their own hearts, to chastise them for their former sins, or […]