《西敏信条教牧简释 13.2》

Posted on Oct 4, 2021 by admin

13.2 这种成圣贯穿全人1,但在今生仍不完全;人的各个部分之中仍然存有某些败坏的残余2,从而,情欲与圣灵相争,圣灵和情欲相争,这种争战无法和解,持续一生3。


13.2   This sanctification is throughout, in the whole man;1 yet imperfect in this life, there abiding still some remnants of corruption in every part;2 whence ariseth a continual and irreconcilable war, the flesh lusting against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh.31 1 Th 5:23; 2 1 Jn 1:10; Rom 7:18, 23; Phil. 3:12;  3 Gal 5:17; 1 Pet 2:11. 


We have seen that sanctification is a process whereby we are “enabled more and more to die unto sin, and live unto righteousness” (WSC 35). But the questions remain as to the extent and degree to which we are sanctified. Does sanctification, for example, involve our intellect and our body? And will sanctification be completed in this life so that we become perfect in holiness? 


The answers to these questions are what we are given to acknowledge in the present paragraph of our Confession.

首先,我们承认成圣的方面是“贯穿全人”。这说明了成圣会影响灵魂的所有功能,如良心、智力与喜好,同时也包括身体的所有部分。这明显是保罗这样写给帖撒罗尼迦的基础:“愿赐平安的神亲自使你们全然成圣!又愿你们的灵与魂与身子得蒙保守,在我们主耶稣基督降临的时候完全无可指摘!” (帖前5:23)

First of all, we are given to confess that the extent of sanctification is “throughout in the whole man.” This means that sanctification affects all the faculties of the soul, such as the conscience, the intellect and the affections, as well as all the members of the body. This is clearly the basis of Paul’s words to the Thessalonians: “And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Th 5:23)


As regards our soul, sanctification enlightens the blindness of our mind; softens the hardness of our conscience; and subdues our sinful passions. 


What about our body? Well, our body is an integral part of us. It not only carries out the will of our soul but affects our intellect, will and passions in many ways. Thus, sanctification also affect our body in such a way that more and more we find pleasure in seeking righteousness rather than in fulfilling the lust of the flesh. 

但是第二,关于成圣的程度,它是有限的,而且“在今生仍不完全”以至于我们的“各个部分之中仍然存有某些败坏的残余”。所以,在我们一生中,一个激烈的争斗一定会发生在我们内心之中,其中我们的一部分喜爱公义,而另一部分喜爱罪恶。我们的信条称这种争战为我们灵与情欲部分的“无法和解,持续一生”的争战。或如保罗所说:“因为情欲和圣灵相争,圣灵和情欲相争,这两个是彼此相敌,使你们不能做所愿意做的。”(加 5:17)

But secondly, as to the degree of sanctification, it is limited and “imperfect in this life” so that “some remnant of corruption” remains “in every part” of us. Thus, throughout our lifetime, a fierce struggle will ensue in the core our being in which part of us loves righteousness whereas part of us loves sin. Our Confession speaks of this struggle in terms of “a continual and irreconcilable war” between our flesh and the Spirit. Or as Paul puts it: “The flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would” (Gal 5:17). 


But what are the Spirit and the flesh? In the first place, let us understand that Paul is not referring to a battle between the soul and the body. No, no; our soul and body is one, they do not war against each other. In the second place, Paul is not speaking about a direct battle between the Holy Spirit and our flesh. If the Spirit is in direct battle, He will win instantly! Instead, by the Spirit, Paul is really referring to the regenerate part of our nature,—which includes body and soul,—that is under the influence of the indwelling Spirit. On the other hand, by the flesh, he is referring to the remnant of our corruption. He calls this remnant the flesh, no doubt, because, between the body and the soul, more of our body will remain unsanctified until the resurrection.


Thus, it is essential for us to work out our salvation not only by making use of the appointed means of grace, but also by subduing our body. “Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God” says Paul (Rom 6:13).

原文作者: 林集章 、蔡林斯 、欧阳效正
中文譯者: 何恩杰,刘行
來源: Westminster Confession of Faith — With Brief Pastoral Comments  

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