《西敏信条教牧简释 15.3》

Posted on Jan 4, 2023 by admin

15.3 虽然不当把悔改视为对罪的补偿,也不能把悔改视为赦罪的缘由1,因这是出于上帝在基督里白白赐予的恩典2;但是,对于众罪人而言,悔改乃是必不可少的,罪人若不悔改,就不要期望罪得赦免3。

1 结36:31-32;16:61-63;2 何14:2、4;罗3:24;弗1:7;3 路13:3、5;徒17:30-31。


15.3   Although repentance be not to be rested in, as any satisfaction for sin, or any cause of the pardon thereof,1 which is the act of God’s free grace in Christ;2 yet it is of such necessity to all sinners, that none may expect pardon without it.3

1 Ezk 36:31-32; 16:61-63; 2 Hos. 14:2, 4; Rom 3:24; Eph 1:7;  3 Lk 13:3, 5; Acts 17:30-31.



We considered the nature of true repentance in the previous paragraph. But what is the true relationship between repentance and salvation? This paragraph helps us to answer this question by telling us to avoid two extremes.



The first extreme we should avoid is the view that repentance is a form of satisfaction or payment to God for our sins. When we repent, we are not, in any way, paying for our sins. Indeed, the only payment for sin that God will accept is the atoning sacrifice of Christ on the cross. And since Christ has already fully atoned for the sins of His people, God does not require anything more from them in terms of making payment for sin.



Furthermore, repentance is not to be viewed as the cause or ground of pardon. God does not forgive His people on the basis of their repentance. The only true ground for pardon is the free grace of God in Christ Jesus. Our repentance is non-meritorious and adds nothing to our salvation, and thus should not be rested in.



Those who teach repentance as satisfaction for sin or the cause of pardon are guilty of no less than minimizing the perfect and finished work of Christ. On our part, whenever we repent of our sins and seek God for His pardon, we should never appeal to how thorough or well we have repented. Instead, we should always appeal to God’s mercy for Christ’s sake.



The other extreme we should avoid is the view that repentance is unnecessary or at best something good to have but not essential. Our confession warns us that repentance is so necessary for all sinners that no one may expect pardon without it. We see the necessity for repentance in the many passages where God Himself calls or commands sinners to repent. Acts 17:30, “And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:” Luke 13:3, “…except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.”



The question still remains – if repentance is not for the purpose of making payment to God or meriting His pardon, then why does God still require all sinners to repent? The most obvious reason is that repentance brings glory to God. A good example of this is seen in Joshua 7:19-20, “And Joshua said unto Achan, My son, give, I pray thee, glory to the LORD God of Israel, and make confession unto him; and tell me now what thou hast done; hide it not from me. And Achan answered Joshua, and said, Indeed I have sinned against the LORD God of Israel, and thus and thus have I done:”