8.5 主耶稣把祂那完全的顺服和自我的牺牲,藉永恒之灵,一次献给上帝
1 罗5:19;来9:14、16;10:14;弗5:2;罗3:2
8.5 The Lord Jesus, by His perfect obedience, and sacrifice of Himself, which He through the eternal Spirit, once offered up unto God, has fully satisfied the justice of His Father;1 and purchased, not only reconciliation, but an everlasting inheritance in the kingdom of heaven, for all those whom the Father has given unto Him.2
1 Rom 5:19; Heb 9:14, 16; 10:14; Eph 5:2; Rom 3:25–26; 2 Dan. 9:24, 26; Col. 1:19–20; Eph 1:11, 14; Jn 17:2; Heb 9:12, 15.
This section summarizes for us what Christ accomplished for His people by His perfect obedience and sacrifice of Himself. His perfect obedience refers to His general obedience to the whole law of God as well as His special obedience in all that was required of Him as mediator between God and man. As one author wrote, “Nothing that he should have done was left undone. And nothing that he should not have done was done.”
As the last Adam, Jesus came to do what the first Adam failed to do, namely, to perfectly keep the terms of the covenant of works on behalf of His people. And as a result of that, Christ purchased an everlasting inheritance in the kingdom of heaven for them. This refers to the reward of eternal life for perfect obedience in the covenant of works.
The rich young ruler was not entirely wrong when he asked the Lord what he had to do to inherit eternal life because eternal life is indeed something that can be earned by doing or obedience. The problem, though, was that he was neither able nor qualified to do it. He, like everyone else, needed someone to do it for him.
Then besides perfect obedience to the law, Christ had to offer Himself up to God as a sacrifice to satisfy God’s justice and to purchase reconciliation for His people. God is just and He cannot allow sin to go unpunished. Furthermore, God is holy and He hates all sin, and is at enmity with all sinners. The only way for God’s justice to be satisfied and for sinners to be reconciled with Him is for the only mediator between God and man to offer up Himself as a sacrifice. The irony is that the Lord Jesus is the only man in history who did not need to die since He was absolutely sinless. He is the only man who deserves to live forever. And yet He died so that His people might live and never die.
The final part of this section describes the people of Christ as “all those whom the Father has given unto Him.” We could say this – that not only did Christ give Himself for His people, but the Father also gave them to Christ from all eternity. This tells us that we are precious to both the Father and the Son, and are eternally loved by them. What a wonderful thought! Praise God for that!
原文作者: 林集章 、蔡林斯 、欧阳效正
中文譯者: 何恩杰,刘行
來源: Westminster Confession of Faith — With Brief Pastoral Comments
2019 © Pilgrim Covenant Church