
The Children Catechism Series
Currently available in English, Chinese (中文), Spanish (Español), Khmer, Vietnamese (tiếng Việt) Series

The use of the Catechism for the instruction of the young in the church is an ancient and time-tested biblical method. GDS is pleased to publish this catechism series adopted for use by Pilgrim Covenant Church (PCC). The catechism regime includes:
– Toddler’s Catechism,
– Bible History Catechism for Beginners Book 1, 2 & 3,
– Introduction to Westminster Shorter Catechism,
– Bible History Catechism for Juniors Book 1 & 2,
– Character Building Supplement,
– Bible History Catechism for Seniors Book 1 & 2

This series is useful home instruction or Sunday School materials. They may also be used to instruct new believers. Parents and teachers should adjust the curriculum accordingly to suit their needs.

Interested parties may contact us for further information, they are also available at Fide Vitae Resources.

Review by Dr. Bruce Baugus

Bible Doctrine for Younger Children (Chinese Version)


《儿童圣经教义》上册包括了第一章至第十章, 下册包括了第十一章至第二十章,是特为九岁到十一岁的孩子所设计的。



GDS has translated and publish Mr James Beeke’s (Dr Joel Beeke’s brother) Bible Doctrine for Younger Children Book B. Book A contains Chapters 1-10, and Book B contains Chapters 11-20. The explanation were written for children 9 years of age and older.

Interested parties may contact us for further information, they are also available at Fide Vitae Resources.

Catechism in Conversation (Chinese Version)

人生的首要目的是什么?圣经主要教训什么?上帝是怎样的上帝?罪是什么?每个罪当受什么处罚?什么是称义?上帝要人当尽什么本分?什么是信耶稣基督?什么是祷告?对诸如此类的问题,《威斯敏斯德小教理问答》为我们提供了非常简明准确的答案。 蔡林斯在《你问我答话真道》中,以活泼互动的对话方式阐释了《威斯敏斯德小教理问答》的107个问题和答案。

GDS has translated and published Pastor Linus Chua’s Catechism in Conversation (Chinese version)

ISBN: 978-981-07-3393-3

Interested parties may contact us for further information.

Westminster Shorter Catechism Explanatory Notes (Chinese Version)


GDS has translated and published Pastor JJ Lim’s Westminster Shorter Catechism Explanatory Notes (Chinese version).

Interested parties may contact us for further information.

Heidelberg Catechism Explanatory Notes (Chinese Version)


GDS has translated and published Pastor JJ Lim’s Heidelberg Catechism Explanatory Notes (Chinese version).

Interested parties may contact us for further information.

Westminster Confession of Faith Study Notes (Chinese Version)


GDS has translated and published Pastor JJ Lim’s Westminster Confession of Faith Study Notes (Chinese version).

Interested parties may contact us for further information.

Covenant Theology: A Primer

Pastor JJ Lim’s new work – Covenant Theology: A Primer. Interested parties may contact Tulip Reformed Bookshop for further information.

Covenant Theology: A Primer by [Lim, JJ]

The Westminster Confession of Faith with Study Notes.

Pastor JJ Lim’s work – Westminster Confession of Faith with Study notes. Interested parties may contact Tulip Reformed Bookshop for further information.

The Westminster Confession of Faith: With Study Notes (Westminster Standards Book 1) by [Lim, JJ]

The Westminster Larger Catechism: A Brief Commentary

Pastor JJ Lim’s brief commentary – Westminster Larger Catechism. Interested parties may contact Tulip Reformed Bookshop for further information.

The Westminster Larger Catechism: A Brief Commentary (Westminster Standards Book 2) by [Lim, JJ]

The Westminster Shorter Catechism: A Brief Commentary

Pastor JJ Lim’s brief commentary – Westminster Shorter Catechism. Interested parties may contact Tulip Reformed Bookshop for further information.

The Westminster Shorter Catechism with Explanatory Notes (Westminster Standards Book 3) by [Lim, JJ]